Enlightenment Dept.

The Library

You find yourself in an anteroom leading to a much larger room beyond an arch. The walls of both are lined with hundreds of leather bound books. On the right hand side of the arch is a desk, behind which sits a very beautiful, bespectacled woman. She is typing on a computer keyboard, but turns, looks up, and smiles at you as you approach.

'Good evening!' says she, 'I am Phoebe, the librarian. The decisions made in this house are of great importance to the whole wide world, and my job is to look after this vast repository of knowledge. Not only that, I am responsible for ensuring that those who take these decisions are kept fully informed.

'Welcome as an honoured guest. Whilst we do have a vast number of books, most of this information is now stored in our computers. We are really proud of the fact that these now let us deliver it to you in any way you like. You can read it, or have it spoken to you.

'It wasn't always so - up till a short time ago, we were being seduced by an evil computer software company into believing that theirs was the only system in use, and that others didn't matter. This meant that many worthy people were being prevented from getting access to it, and as a result we were effectively disadvantaging them without our realising it.

'If you'd like to learn how we manage to get our information across to everyone who wants it - and at the same time find out how you can do it yourself, there are some places you can visit.

'Just say what you'd like to do, and we'll take you there.'

You respond:

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Number Ten

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